Outer Darkness for The Ambitious?
Originally Posted by aron
We'd have done better had we laughed at Lee's pretensions of grandeur. But we were naively drawn into his "most solemn" nonsense. His solemnity was a farce. I don't feel remiss to point it out. And there were some who were clearly drawn to his airs as a vehicle for their own. That one who constantly looked out for "ambition" in his flock, himself held such a reservoir as to presume be God's sole mouthpiece on earth today. And the sycophants crowded round, genuflecting and amenning. I don't know if it's funny or sad. But I guess I just like to laugh.
So well said about that "devil" AMBITION. Lee could see "ambition" in everyone else, but not himself. Neither in his sons, Timothy and Phillip.
And where's that verse that condemns "ambition?" Apostle Paul told us that he was always "ambitious" to please the Lord. Yet Poor Paul would have been quarantined by Lee, along with John Ingalls and John So and so many others, and sent into "outer darkness" for the "unforgiveable" sin of ambition.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
Keeping all my posts short, quick, living, and to the point!
Last edited by Ohio; 02-02-2019 at 05:28 AM.