Thread: Outer Darkness?
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Old 02-01-2019, 12:53 PM   #350
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Default Re: Outer Darkness?

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
That brings us, or should bring us, to a very clear understanding that even the words spoken in this forum will be included at that judgment. Sometimes I fear brothers, that as we sit behind our computers typing away we do not sense the reality of that day in our hearts. For if we did, would we say the things that are often said in this forum against other believers? I think not. Do not misinterpret my meaning to suggest that you cannot challenge or disagree with any man's teaching. No, I am not saying that. What I am saying is that there is a line that is crossed all too frequently and ends up in mocking, derision, slander, exaggeration, willful misunderstanding and an argumentative spirit, against His servants and His children. This, I believe, will not only be judged at His coming, but can affect our spiritual progress in this life.

I do carefully consider what I say in the light of His word, often deleting or modifying posts which He is not pleased with.

My first response is to ask why does Drake never speak up when listening to Witness Lee or the Blendeds mock and condemn the entire body of Christ outside the LC's? Where does LSM get the license to do what Drake warns us about?

Drake, weren't you there at the Whistler, BC ITERO Kangaroo Court condemning Titus Chu? Did you stand up and warn them all about the Judgment Seat of Christ? I watched that nonsense and you were no where to be found.

Secondly, does not the scripture teach us to "test all things" including the teachings and actions of LSM's leaders? Did not the Apostle Paul call certain false workers "dogs?" When Paul told the Philippians, "Beware of dogs!" was that mocking, derision, slander, exaggeration, or willful misunderstanding?

Thirdly, I do my best to address the teachings and actions of individual leaders, rather than judge their person or their motives, or judge every LC member. I admit that sometimes sarcasm is the best way to communicate, exposing the rampant hypocrisy at LSM. The bottom line for me is simple -- people got hurt, and LSM could care less. That's why this forum exists.
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