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Old 01-13-2019, 01:51 PM   #290
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: One Publication

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
To Drake or any current LC member: If this document is only related to what the Living Stream has restricted themselves in publishing, why does it say that
"all the saints and all the churches everywhere should similarly be restricted"?

(emphasis mine)
EXACTLY. This is why the entire document is peppered with phrases that dance around everything but never define anything or use specifics. This way they can use nebulous phrases like "one publication" and throw it in among different types of sentences to create the impression they want without saying it outright. Saying it outright would be admitting they are saying what they claim they are not saying, but are clearly, undeniably saying.

Again, the phrase "among us" is another telltale. "At times there may be writings among us that could be considered for publication as part of the one publication among us." Who on earth is "among us" if not the saints in the local churches? If this was about what LSM will publish, it would say " part of the one publication LSM PUTS OUT" not "...part of the one publication among us."

And "among us" is NOT the signatories (the blended co-workers), since later in that paragraph it says "those who wish to write in this way should bring their proposals TO the blended co-workers". So the "those" "among us" who wish to write should bring it TO the co-workers. "Among us" is the saints. This document is to restrict the saints.

In speaking of writings individual localities may produce, we get: "These are actually not part of the one publication among us in that they do not involve all the churches." Sorry charlie, the "one publication" is not about what LSM will publish. It is about restricting all the churches to only LSM's publications.

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