Originally Posted by Drake
There are genuine born again Christians in the church represented by Sardis..... but most are nominal brought in by the state religions and a large number of denominations that are Christian organizations whose membership does not require regeneration. That is why the Lord said they have a name that is living but in reality are dead.
We should care for the Lords assessment of that situation and seek to be counted worthy of being an overcomer.
Then you are inconsistent with Lee's teachings. And so every church denominations must be a Sardist by nature and the LC is not prone to it. Why don't every LCer be so honest that Sardis prefgures Protestant Reformation without any making distinctions who are in it. Evangelicals too are protestants. But where do you place the Pentecostals and Charismatics? It seems that your interpretation that the seven churches in Revelation pertaining to seven periods/ages of church history is not updated or even shall we say it's obsolete.
"The notion that these seven churches describe seven successive periods of Church history hardly needs refutation. To say nothing about the almost humorous—if it were not so deplorable—exegesis which, for example, makes the church at Sardis, which was dead, refer to the glorious age of the Reformation; it should be clear to every student of the Bible that there is not one atom of evidence in all the sacred writings which in any way corroborates this thoroughly arbitrary method of cutting up the history of the Church and assigning the resulting pieces to the respective epistles of Revelation 2 and 3." — Joel R. Beek