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Old 01-09-2019, 09:05 AM   #24
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Default Re: Christ Versus Religion 50 Years Later!

Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
The word "Religion" has left a bad taste in many people's mouths, even for Christians today. Mainly because of the legalism and false doctrines of the Roman Catholic church and religious cults across the country. But if you have a based-group mindset that your church is not a religion, but the rest of Christianity are according to your definition that it is without Christ, then you must probably belong to a cult group.
For years I was sold on the whole "Christ vs. Religion" motif, but the Bible never condemns "religion." The Book of James even speaks of "pure and undefiled religion." (1.27)

Jesus Himself never condemned the Jewish religion. What He did condemn was the politics, the hypocrisy, the legalism, the deceptions, and the works of the flesh which characterized some religious leaders.

Lee used *RELIGION* to condemn all Christianity. Today LSM has become a far worse religion than what we were regularly taught to condemn.
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