Originally Posted by aron
That's how I read it. Some people get into a "sing-songy" cadence when they are teaching. They use volume and speed modulations, and the listeners in the audience go, "Wow, they are in the Spirit", and become more receptive.
Ya nailed it on the head Aron.
This type of delivery is also seen in places that don't emphasize tongues, such as the LCs. So I would call the LCs charismatic, or pentacostal, as well.
In labeling the LC, I would label them somewhere in between fundamental, conservative, charismatic but not Pentecostal. just my .02 worth.
It's sort of like, "If I can berate my audience and they don't run for the door, then I can pretty much do what I want. I've got them."
If the message is truly Anointed from God, His Holy Spirit will speak to you and you won't want to leave. The way to know for sure if the message is anointed or just show, depends on how much time a person spends in the Presence of the LORD, meditating on His Word, speaking His Word, studying His Word. This is how we receive the discernment of the Holy Spirit. Remember, many can quote the Word and can be charasmatic in their own right but to discern whether they are truly under the anointing requires discernment.
And we must be very careful that we don't judge or criticize too quickly either. The LSM/LC taught us all to well how to criticize and judge our brethren. Sometimes the LORD will make us sit under someone who is anointed with the Word of God, has character, and integrity but has that Pentecostal song and dance anointing that comes out at times. We will KNOW we must endure because GOD is trying to shed the old wine skin, to burn out the wood, hay and stubble out of us give us to drink from a fresh fountain of living water.
As I continue to walk with God in this journey, I am learning it is ok to keep some things from the LC, some things other brethren do in praise / worship such as lifting up of the hands, clapping, jumping, sometimes simply being quiet. I am learning to listen carefully to the Voice of God.