Originally Posted by OBW
Does it mean that they have a mannerism in their teaching that is presumed within certain circles to be "anointing"?
That's how I read it. Some people get into a "sing-songy" cadence when they are teaching. They use volume and speed modulations, and the listeners in the audience go, "Wow, they are in the Spirit", and become more receptive.
This type of delivery is also seen in places that don't emphasize tongues, such as the LCs. So I would call the LCs charismatic, or pentacostal, as well.
It's sort of like, "If I can berate my audience and they don't run for the door, then I can pretty much do what I want. I've got them."
I am guilty of this, occasionally. I love to shout at my listeners. Pacing, arm waving, etc. It is a subconscious impersonation of "the Spirit". Occasionally, it may even
be the Spirit. But who knows where the line crosses?