Originally Posted by countmeworthy
The 'church' is constantly 'changing'. The Charasmatics and Word of Faith (WoF) have come out of the Pentecostal movement. Most pray/speak in tongues but they don't consider themselves Pentecostals.
Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Oral Roberts (rip), Paula White, Jesse Duplantis are part of the WoF clan. Perry Stone & Rod Parsley have a STRONG Pentecostal background. You can hear it when they begin to 'teach' under the anointing.
I am only naming these people because I am very familiar with their minisitries and know something about Pentecostals, Charasmatics & WoF.
Charles Stanley a well known Baptist preacher/teacher is not Pentecostal or WoF. He might be considered a Fundamental Charasmatic.
SHEESH !!! LORD have Mercy !
Whew, way too much information!
The way I heard it, and I am just paraphrasing what I thought I heard, was basically that those who embrace the so-called "full gospel" now equal in number with those who don't.
But ... sorry I said that, as I said tongues and gifts are a dividing wall among most believers -- "
neutral you cannot be!"