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Old 01-03-2019, 06:09 AM   #241
Join Date: Dec 2018
Location: Iowa
Posts: 72
Default Re: Apostles in The Church: Yesterday and Today

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
Okay I've started at the OP. And yes I'm ashamed that I've made points that were made in the opening post (left below). But now I think I can make sensible points, perchance.

It was we, Lee's followers, that swelled Lee's head up like a Puffer Fish, into an apostle. We, the royal we, the we of yesteryear, and presently, around the world, that provides Lee's apostleship bona fides.

And it is enough, for Lee followers ; and both past and present followers are complicit in doing it. If all, or enough, followers fall away, Lee's house of cards all fall down ... so in the end Lee's movement was not of God (in the sense of the apostle Paul, and the others).

If Lee was the apostle, what are the Blendeds? Are they Apostolic succession?


In the word of God there is no such thing as Apostolic succession,there were no successors to the original 12 Apostles,appointed by the Lord Jesus or any apostles appointed by the 12 to be their successors. When you read the epistles of Peter,Paul,Jude,John they state that it was the last days and evil workers were already making inroads into the church,and Paul said after his departure that grevious wolves would come in not sparing the flock. When studying early church history its clear. And the prophetic revelation of the seven churches shows a steady decline. I'm not trying to stir up anything, just my take on Apostles.
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