Originally Posted by Ohio
Now I feel I may be roasted next. My wife doesn't want to go back.
All I can say is, "think small". Then, when the inevitable roasting occurs, the bonfire will also be small.
Let me put it another way. We are in enemy territory. The world, as we know, is under the evil one. When we christians attempt to use conventional means to address God's adversary, we end up looking like the U.S. in Afghanistan. Or worse.
Jesus, like David before Him, was a brilliant unconventional, "guerilla" warrior. David eventually slipped, numbering his troops and admiring Bathsheba from his balcony. Jesus never slipped.
That's why I said going in the front door for Pastor Bob and company to vet you may not be the way for you to go.
Just thinking aloud here. I really don't know anything at all.