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Old 08-01-2010, 02:36 AM   #44
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 688
Default Re: The Cost

Originally Posted by aron View Post
I found another church. The church is called the "ekklesia". It is where anyone believes into the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and we gather together.

It is a gathering, a meeting, an assembly, a congregation. It is the coming together of those who have been called out of the world in Christ Jesus.

You can have an assembly on the road, on the beach, in the supermarket, at work, at home, at school, wherever the Lord has placed you and another believer who is able to receive you the same as you do they, in Christ.

In Christ there is no judgment. Mercy triumphs over judgment. We are all full of junk. So I don't judge yours and vice versa. Jesus didn't like the judgaholics.

One day I realized that whenever an unbeliever is next to me, is a chance for the gospel, the good news of Jesus. And whenever a believer is next to me, there is the opportunity for the ekklesia, the assembly.

I am amazed, that when I don't get "all religious" with other believers, how quickly most of them will receive me in Christ Jesus. And the Lord promised, whenever two or more of us gather in His name, He will be there in the midst of us.
Your comments are most appreciated, brother aron.

Grace to you.
Let each walk as the Lord has distributed to each, as God has called each, and in this manner I instruct all the assemblies. 1 Cor. 7:17
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