Originally Posted by awareness
Hear! Hear! I know. I did go thru withdraws after leaving ; like I could no longer "touch the Lord?"
It took me a number of years to work thru that. After all, what happened to all that "transformation," from all the pray-reading, calling on the Lord, attending of meetings and conferences? (Maybe I needed some FTT - that would have done it, surely).
Dear Brother
LSM had regularly deceived us with all the latest "flows" from the ministry, which did nothing more than "
toss us with waves, and carry us about with winds of teaching by the sleight of men, in craftiness with a view to a system of error." (Ephesians 4.14)
Did we never read the Apostle Paul's admonishment, "
for all which is not out of faith is sin"? (Romans 14.23)
The Good News is that all that we have done in the LC "
in faith and unto the Lord" is profitable and eternal. (Romans 14.1-9)