Originally Posted by leastofthese
Very good points here Trapped. One additional thought, to take one step further. What if every “third or fourth” phrase wasn’t true AND the author claimed that it was a divinely inspired recovery of God’s word and THE ministry in which God is most pleased? You throw the book out and RUN - you’ve found yourself at the feet of a false prophet.
Or better still, BURN those Lee books and run. That is what I did. My honest testimony is that I never before or since (that ministry book burning) experienced the peace of Christ as I did that day. I could feel the Holy Spirit on me as a dove. And this is coming from a person who is super blessed to know Jesus, experience the Holy Spirit, witness God in my spirit always, since I received Him. My question is, how can we 'turn those false prophets to stone'?
Back to the subject of the thread, and I think Trapped has already mentioned this, is my biggest beef with this 'processed' term and Lees' application of it to our creator....processed definitely conveys the thought of some process being applied to some thing. This offends me.....this is the creepiest negation of what Jesus Himself did. What He chose to go through for us, whom He loved. What a minimization! What a twist on the truth of scripture! Nothing was created that wasn't unto Him and out from Him. He died thereby proving His love toward us all. He suffered, probably we will never know how much, taking our just punishment that we would receive His inheritance. To say He was processed....by whom, by what? Who is this mysterious one who is above Jesus, 'processing' Him?
I don't know if that was the intention behind this teaching, but it certainly is dangerously close to an admittance that there is a greater power delivering this 'processing' to the Lord and Savior, the one whose name is above all names. I know I already said it but it bears repeating.....it is beyond offensive. And wrong. As Trapped said, where is the benefit of all this disgusting LSM wordplay? If the man Lee was wrong here and there, why not drop the error and return to the pure word of God??? Why go down such a dangerous and slippery slope? Why elevate Lee above Gods' word? The only processing being done to Jesus is Lee and LSM processing Jesus right into 'another Jesus'.