12-07-2018, 10:33 AM
Οὕτως γὰρ ἠγάπησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν κόσμον For God So Loved The World
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Re: Merged Thread: The Gospel Vs "God's Economy"
"The following chapters are the messages given in the summer conference of 1964 at Los Angeles. The spoken form has been retained.
The author would urge all the readers to give their attention to the spiritual reality conveyed in these messages rather than to the language itself."
(emphasis mine)
The Economy Of God - MinistryBooks.Org
Maybe we can take a quick break from all the apologizing for the apologists, arguing about the arguments and giving analogies to explain analogies. The quote above comes from the forward of Witness Lee's seminal publication here in America - The Economy of God.
I think this quote speaks volumes about what kind of mindset, motivation and intentions Witness Lee came with when he landed upon our fair shores. Lee's admonition to his followers to "give their attention to the spiritual reality...rather than to the language itself" is as dangerous as it is absurd. I guess by the time that this book was published in 1968, Lee felt he had solidified his position as the One Minister with the One Ministry for The Age, The One Apostle and sole Oracle of God on earth - else how could he have mustered up the gall to actually tell people that he was able to "convey spiritual reality" merely by giving his highly questionable personal interpretations, uneducated guesses and make-it-up-as-you-go-along theology.
50 years after the publication of The Economy of God I think there is more than enough evidence that the teachings and concepts brought forth in this work have taken Lee's followers away from the genuine Gospel as related to us by the Lord Jesus Christ and the Scripture writing apostles, and have led them away from "the simplicity and purity" (2 Cor 11:3) which is in Christ, and which is fully and completely related to us in the Gospel.
Ok, back to the matter at hand:
Originally Posted by Trapped
I have an issue with the term "the processed God" or the phrase that "God was processed", not the facts that God did pass through what can be described as the "process" of incarnation, human living, death, resurrection, etc.
You're in good company there Trapped...the vast majority of recognized and reputable Christian teachers, scholars and apologists have big issues with this "processed God" nonsense. Although our friend Drake has made a gallant attempt at bailing out Witness Lee by referencing an actual, bonafied Christian scholar, Dr. R.C. Sproul, HERE, a careful reading of Sproul's article shows him giving the orthodox, commonly taught understanding of "The Difference between the Ontological and the Economic Trinity", and the differences between the late Dr. Sproul's orthodox teaching and Lee's "Processed Triune God" teaching are clear and stark. I would suggest anyone interested take the few minutes and read Sproul's article, then compare and contrast it with Lee's mishmash of unbiblical nonsense which Lee dubbed "The Processed Triune God".
To use analogies, just like to become a lawyer, you go through certain experiences (studying, passing the bar exam, etc), but no one has "processed" you to become a lawyer, or would ever say that. Even if you could do some linguistic gymnastics to show that grammatically it's technically okay to say someone is now a "processed lawyer", what benefit does it serve to say it that way and how does that help?
Not much to add to this gem of an observation. Yeah..."what benefit does it serve to say it that way and how does that help"? EXACTLY!
αὐτῷ ἡ δόξα καὶ τὸ κράτος εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας τῶν αἰώνων ἀμήν - 1 Peter 5:11