Originally Posted by Drake
Do you have any substantive contribution to this topic? Or just a typical drive by shooting...
Just sayin....
Excuse me! I'm the drive by shooter around here ! (I call it interloping). I come from down under.
And I think LofT was very substantial. My problem back then ... before the door ... was that I was very serious.
And I would have never thought of laughing at Lee. Maybe you don't know, or don't remember, but, I was accused of "using Witness Lee's works to destroy Witness Lee's works."
Forget about any taboo of laughing at Lee, in those days we couldn't even use old Lee to point out a flaw in 'new flow Lee.'
And that's substantial. It got me the door. I was processed ... right out the door. And it was a long drawn out process. Now ... I'm a processed little 'g' god. Amen! Thank you Lord! Lee was right! But tho it certainly can be debated, I doubt God went thru something like that.
Still, don't stop trying bro Drake, you haven't prompted a belly laugh yet (that I know of - I'm behind - this thread is work to keep up with). So peace in the valley right now.