Originally Posted by awareness
That's the processed triune God? No wonder Lee's accused of modalism ; God went thru modes in His processing ; first God, then flesh, then spirit ; three modes of processing.
Thanks for pointing that out. But how come neither Paul nor John, explained the processed God?
In fact, I searched the whole Bible, in several translations, for the word "processed" and found nada. I did find it in the NET Bible, but only in a section title.
In other words, the processed God is never mentioned in the entire Bible. It was a Lee invention, and is therefore unquestionably extra-Biblical.
The difference between "became" and "processed" is that the term processed implies a process was done on you by an external agent.
processed -- perform a series of mechanical or chemical operations on (something) in order to change or preserve it.
Became does not have that inferred meaning.
Galatians warns of anyone who preaches or teaches another Jesus other than the one we have heard. Regardless of whether or not that was the intent it demonstrates the danger involved in going outside of the NT language as Ohio has pointed out.
When you say "became" everyone familiar with the fellowship of the apostles will be familiar with this. When you say "processed" you bring in your own term, leaving the fellowship of the apostles, with implied meanings that have the potential to lead astray.