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Old 12-05-2018, 05:12 AM   #108
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Default Re: Does The Local Church Teach/Preach Another Gospel and Another Jesus?

Originally Posted by aron View Post
If so, then why did Nee need 3,000 'spiritual classics' to understand the Bible? Why was numbers a strength and safety for Nee, but with you or I it would only engender confusion? Face it people, we wuz robbed - our spiritual rights were taken from us by a con artist.
Fortunately for us in the Midwest, we did not subscribe to "only Lee." Maybe we did not have 3,000 classics, but we had at least two, Chu and Lee. Having two, opened the door for three, and four . . .

As I have mentioned before, the Midwest had "another Lee," and that prolly saved us from having "another Jesus." The Midwest subscribed to an "early-Lee," which corresponded to earlier books put out by LSM. After Lee passed, TC had all the FTers compile pertinent Lee quotes on the ministry, the work, etc. because they so greatly differed from Later-Lee and the Blendeds.

It was a total waste of time. The Blendeds rejected reason. Their own books. Scripture too. The time had come to amputate the Midwest.

Anyone who has seen the famed "Phoenix Accord" from 2002, could see disaster on the horizon. The signatories were all the key players in Cleveland and Anaheim. Supposedly it was an Acts 15 summit. Of sorts. Actually it read more like a punishment assignment for naughty school children to write. In effect, "We agree to play nice with each other. We will nicely discuss our differences. We will not bad-mouth one another. We will not call each other names." Quite embarrassing on face value. Like the Acts 15 accord, it accomplished little.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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Last edited by Ohio; 12-05-2018 at 05:55 AM.
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