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Old 12-04-2018, 08:25 PM   #105
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Default Re: Does The Local Church Teach/Preach Another Gospel and Another Jesus?

I think I'm gonna cut Lee a little slack here, at least as far as 'another Jesus" goes.

What I see in the New Testament is, the church between Jesus and Paul being Jewish, and then with Paul gentile. And their Jesus's weren't the same.

Early church history reveals there were lots of different kinds of Christians, as the movement developed. I read of one early group that only had one book about Jesus, and it was a Gnostic book, I think the gospel of the Hebrews, or some such. But they had Jesus. Isn't the Jesus of the gospel sort of like that? Wasn't He kinda-sorta inclusive?

All I can say is the Jesus I've grown up with, I think I can safely say, isn't the Jesus James the brother of Jesus conceptualized. Likely James cited daily Saddur, which I guess was a kind of Jewish Life-Study. Tho I doubt a Lee Life Study could hardly compare. Was the Jesus of James the original touchstone and standard by which any different Jesus would be measured by?

At any rate, Jame's conception of Jesus certainly wasn't the one I grew up with, nor the one I had in the local church.

The trouble with Lee's Jesus was that he was trying to make it mine. And we shouldn't take someone else's Jesus. Yours isn't mine. Mine isn't yours.

I think this has been framed as something like, 'One Jesus, many Christ's.'
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