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Old 12-03-2018, 08:57 AM   #95
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Default Re: Does The Local Church Teach/Preach Another Gospel and Another Jesus?

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
I think the jury is still out on whether the LC's have "another Gospel." During my time in the Ohio LC's, I would say definitely not. Abusive at times, yes, but another gospel, no. Yet, from the stories I have read from other LC regions, it seems so. During the highly structured and regimented "New Way" of the '80's, the provocative comment was made, "we could hire the Gentiles to go door-knocking for us." LSM has so legalized and "ordinanced" life in the LC's, who needs real faith anymore?
It eventually dawned on me. Was the LC church life the way the early Acts church Christians lived? Were they going to meetings every day, going to conferences and training's?

I don't know if it's a different gospel, but it was/is something different than what Paul, and the early church, were practicing.
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