Originally Posted by aron
The only problem Paul had with the Jerusalem church, that I can see, is when they tried to impose 'Jewishness' on gentile converts. (I'm being vague, as the record is scanty - think, circumcision). Other than that their experiences were entirely genuine, and foundational for ours. Think about it - the first gentiles didn't show up until Acts 11! What does that tell you?
Since exiting the LC's, I have often been surrounded by Messianic Jews. They long to introduce O.T. customs into the church, convinced of a great deficiency in the church. Having spent my Christian life in extremely "pro-Israel, anti-Jewish" Protestant customs, I find this somewhat alarming. Should we celebrate the Sabbath, should we live according to the Torah, and is the Feast of Tabernacles for the church? It seems that both Messianic and the Pentecostal Christians have opened the door wide to OT practices.
Yes indeed, the Gospel, the Good News, came to the Jews first. Paul practiced this in every town. (Rom 1.16) Yet when Jesus was anointed by the Spirit of God (Luke 4.16-18) in His hometown Synagogue, his kinfolk attempted to murder Him for mentioning that God had healed the Gentiles, "
But I tell you in truth ..." (Luke 4.25-30) Obviously this topic is more complicated than initially thought.
What exactly does it mean to preach "another" Jesus or "another" Gospel?
Paul said this to both the Galatians (1.7-9) and the Corinthians (2 C. 11.4). Since Paul mentioned "accursed," it seems quite serious. When asked about Paul's harsh comments sprinkled throughout the book of Galatians, one Messianic Jew replied, "
Why are you reading someone else's mail?"
Huh? Interesting reply, since Protestantism was largely built on Romans and Galatians. To which someone might reply, "
Why are Christians reading Jewish mail?" I have long been under the guiding principle that the OT is "
for" the church, but the NT is "
to" the church. Huge difference folks, but is that really true? If my old Messianic brother is right, then there no longer is "another" gospel.
I think the jury is still out on whether the LC's have "another Gospel." During my time in the Ohio LC's, I would say definitely not. Abusive at times, yes, but another gospel, no. Yet, from the stories I have read from other LC regions, it seems so. During the highly structured and regimented "New Way" of the '80's, the provocative comment was made, "
we could hire the Gentiles to go door-knocking for us." LSM has so legalized and "
ordinanced" life in the LC's, who needs real faith anymore?