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Old 11-26-2018, 04:54 PM   #15
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Default Re: How to rescue those still in LCs in Korea?

Originally Posted by Gubei View Post
If Andrew Yu really had wanted to behave like early church era "apostles", he would have exerted all the efforts to contact the "saints" in Seoul and verified who are spiritually mature to the point that he could appoint them as elders.

However, his contact points in Seoul only include a few coworkers with biased opinions and inclination for power, meaning they are "culprits" for this disaster.

Even if Andrew Yu really had contacted the "saints" in Seoul, that would have been a huge challenge in reality because of language barrier.

Anyway, this is quite interesting point to see how Andrew Yu dealt with leadership issue in South Korea. He asked for the then vested coworkers to retire, but he accepted their candidates, which naturally caused those soon-to-retire coworkers to offer the candidates who were "spiritually" stringed to them, leading to a kind of "regency system".

I've heard Andrew Yu cannot visit Seoul any longer due to his physical illness, it is said he has some vocal problem now. Instead, Ron Kangus used to visit Seoul, but I've heard the coworkers in the US don't want to come to Korea for some reason.

The vested coworkers' choice now is to invite Taiwanese brothers (Br. Wu and Br Lim).
There is no "right way" or Biblical way for any one like AY or RK from LSM, a USA book publisher, to properly appoint elders in Seoul, SoKo. There is no Biblical support for this.

The Bible presents many qualifications for church elders. Paul's books to Timothy and Titus mention some. Both the Spirit (Acts 20.28; I Cor 12.28) of God (through prayer and fellowship) and the mature saints (Acts 16.2) should approve of new elders. It is far better for the church to have new elders recommended by existing elders.
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