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Old 11-26-2018, 08:48 AM   #11
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Default Re: How to rescue those still in LCs in Korea?

Originally Posted by Gubei View Post
Andrew Yu’s audacious, but seeming not so biblical appointment of coworkers and elders

Very long time, Andrew Yu had visited South Korea and gave a lot of messages with practical leading. He finally appointed nationwide coworkers and elders in the Church in Seoul, most important city in South korea, on condition that the existing 11 or so co-workers (including Mr. S and Mr. Y) have to retire. But that was a kind of hasty action without proper verification period. Andrew Yu seems to had just accepted those candidates offered by Mr. S and Mr. Y. The saints felt there are spiritual imbalance among the appointees, and some mature church leaders were not appointed, and a possible explanation is that they are not so strongly attached with Mr. S or Y.
This is absolutely incredible! How audacious! Of course Andrew Yu's appointment of elders in Seoul was not biblical! "Spiritual imbalance" indeed, more like a gross violation of the truth in order to bring that church under bondage and subjection to false human authority. LSM's works of the flesh are now on full display. This same kind of lust for power and control damaged all the Midwest LC's a decade ago.

Look at the disruption it has caused in the church. What authority from above does Yu possess? Is not the church in Seoul the church of God? Is it not the church of the saints? Since when has it become the church of some foreign ministry? Is Andrew Yu the apostle who preached the gospel and established that church? Of course not. Yu behaved as the Judaizers of old. I heard he has cancer, so perhaps the Lord was not pleased with his actions.

Did not one hundred years ago Watchman Nee proclaim independence from foreign denominations? Did he not assert that the church and her administration is local? What Andrew Yu has done is what started the "Recovery" in China in the first place. Nee rejected all foreign church authorities, yet Seoul has now accepted them? The church in Seoul needs a visit from Watchman Nee today! LSM's lust for power has blinded them from violating their own original mission statement -- their very reason for existence!
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