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Old 11-25-2018, 11:27 PM   #75
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Default Re: Quotes and Quips

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
I don't know the whole extent of his teaching on prayer. But being around people who pray I see the prayer pendulem swing way on the other side. Don't beat me up or stone me here. My observation is there is way, way too much prayer on healing. Not that it is wrong. IT IS NOT!! For the record, my body has been riddled with RA for 18 lonnng, lonng years so I know about healing prayers etc. From James 5:16b pray for one another so that you may be healed.

I will give more of my thoughts in a bit.
I definitely understand your point about the over-emphasis on praying for healing, or, rather the only praying for healing and never praying for anything else or for God's interests. Both are good. Witness Lee just came down so hard on the anti-healing side that he ended up, as usual, making something that is lawful to be almost sinful.

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
Personally, I don't like the 'standard' Christian way of praying. The pastors / preachers are not teaching people how to pray. I have a small intimate bible study group of friends. I try to help them spiritually and practically speaking. Not boasting here, just letting you know what I do practically, I text, call, make meals for those who are sick..worst than ME! We have game nights every other week which includes munchies. We are friends not just 'congregants'. This bible study group which is made up of about 8-12 people are my 'church' family.
I was sloppy in my comparison of LC versus non-LC praying. I compared the LC group prayer to the non-LC single person pastor prayer, which are two different settings and were bad examples to compare to each other.

A better example could have been something like a family Thanksgiving gathering where they sit down to pray before the meal. LC prayer involves a certain cadence with "amens" after each sentence or phrase. Non-LC prayer involves everyone being silent and listening until the person praying finishes, and then the "amen" comes. I prefer the latter, even though I lived the former my whole life. To me the latter seems more reverent, sacred, and God-honoring. The former is more "showy".
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