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Old 11-25-2018, 07:28 PM   #72
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Quotes and Quips

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
At my 2nd LC in Columbus, we had a gifted minister named Philip Comfort. He was passionate, loved the word of God, and loved to teach the church. But unwittingly he became a "threat" to TC, and so TC demanded that he relocate to Cleveland where he could receive "further perfecting." In plain words, TC mercilessly beat poor Phil into submission, accusing him of a host of shortcomings and flaws, all the while shaming him in front of all the other Midwest leaders. Poor Phil returned to Columbus a broken man, and all the leaders there lost all respect for TC. 25 years later one of these elders was instrumental in successfully suing both Columbus and Mansfield for their meeting halls for LSM. TC has this way of producing more "enemies" than "perfected" brothers. The last I heard Phil's name in the LC, TC was shaming an elder brother in Hanover Park, IL for not restoring him to the "fellowship," as if it was all his fault.

Slowly Phil Comfort and his gift got "recovered" by the Lord, but not in the LC's. He went back to school, honing his writing and teachings skills, and today Dr. Philip Comfort has become a Wheaton College professor, an established author, and a well-respected Greek scholar, benefiting the entire body of Christ. To God be the glory.

Reading this was so encouraging. As someone who has been inexplicably turned against, lied to, cut out, tossed aside and then bewilderingly had blame put on me for those very horrible actions by saints I cared very much for, hearing that there is the possibility of a brighter future is like aloe on a sunburn. Thanks for posting Dr. Comfort's story.
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