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Old 11-25-2018, 01:32 PM   #7
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Default Re: How to rescue those still in LCs in Korea?

Originally Posted by aron View Post
My advice would be: first, you can only minister what you have. They already know the condition of the LC; what are you going to present them as an alternative? One of the worst things the LC leadership did was quench the seeking spirit. The “church life” and the “ministry” were supposedly one-stop shopping; or “all-inclusive”.

Jesus taught, “Seek and ye shall find”; that has never been more important than today. LC leaders convinced the saints, “There is nothing out there” for them. So even if the current status is poor, they are kept in immobility, and passivity. You need to present them with a fresh breeze of the Spirit of God.

So if you're desperately seeking Him with your whole heart/soul/strength, then you have his promise that the finding will follow. The LC song, “We have ended our search” was a dead-end. Literally.

The Christian life is a seeking life. Don’t quit till it’s over.

Second, and related, you have a specific role to play in God’s kingdom. You alone are ‘you’. There is no other. In God’s wisdom, you have a job to do. Minister to others, LC and not, in the sphere of that specific job. “Do business until I come”; only you can do the ‘business’ in your hands.
Thanks, Aron

I totally agree with you. Me myself has been enjoying our Lord apart from the LC life, which is naturally possible for my brothers and sisters still in the LC but I'm afraid they would not venture to go far enough away from the LC.

My "strategy" to rescue some, which I am not sure is my new burden from the Lord, is translating good English materials into Korean for free distribution to them.

Can you pop up any good stuff for me to translate? It's impossible to translate this forum from A to Z. So, I need brief but powerful ones.
Less than the least
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