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Old 11-22-2018, 10:17 PM   #1
Gubei's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Seoul, South Korea
Posts: 145
Default How to rescue those still in LCs in Korea?

Hi brothers and sisters,

I'm a mid-aged Korean brother who used to post here about 10 years ago (mostly criticizing LC practices). I started my LC life in Seoul about 30 years ago when I was a college student, and was one of leading young brothers among college students. I kept serving my Lord with secular job, but I'd witnessed a lot of negative things happening in the LCs in Korea, and finally stopped my LC life due to a very weird incident that I think was from my Lord about 6 years ago. I've just enjoyed reading the Bible, praying etc alone only with my family since then. (Quite oddly there have been almost no concerned brothers who tried to recover me. )

Recently, several old acquaintances in the LCs who were in the position of leadership abruptly began to contact me for various reasons, and I found the situation of the LCs in Korea have gone from bad to worse, with serious leadership chaos and without the Lord's blessing, proven by the fact that the # of meeting attendants keep decreasing.

Currently, I'm curious whether there is any good way to rescue some brothers and sisters who I guess by now feel bad for the LCs unreasonable and unbiblical practice. Of course I know if I try in a naive way then I will end up with no fruits and only with all the bad labeling like rebellion etc.
Less than the least
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