Originally Posted by ZNPaaneah
What I liked about the message is where he connects the Lord's word that "henceforth you shall see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the almighty" with Stephen confirming this saying I see the heavens opened and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God the Father".
This was a confirmation that they had rejected the Messiah. This isn't simply the anger or sinners, or anger of those in the world, this is the anger of those who rejected the heir so that the inheritance would be theirs and now they have been caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
Right! Can you imagine being present for both testimonies.....if there were indeed ones there present to hear Jesus prophesy and then later Stephens' eyewitness testimony....I bet they knew their error as soon as they heard Stephen utter the words, if not before that. I think they must have been filled with fear, but it certainly looked like rage.