Originally Posted by manna-man
I miss the old Benny Hinn with the Hurricane styled hairdoo.
I used to rolaf! And then he'd blow someone over!
I'm in agreement with CMW, That boy can preach it when he wanna. There are so many things that bug me about that guy. But I've noticed( aside from the healing stuff) That when I close my eyes and listen to him, I find myself sitting up from my chair and wide eyed.
:justlurking: Hey when your done with that popcorn lets use the bucket for a special offering! 
I'm sooo glad you totally understand where I'm coming from manna-man ! What I am learning to do and it does take a heartfelt DISCIPLINE is simply pay close attention to the Word of God someone is teaching/preaching. Whether they live with they teach/preach is between them and God. I have a bible. I have the Holy Spirit to reveal the TRUTH, the Word of God but certainly God did appoint preachers/teachers/evangelists in our midsts.
When I was in the LC we had 4 leading brothers. Each one had a different gift and it was obvious to me. One could really preach the gospel at the 'love feasts'. But he was not very good at giving the message. Another was very good at TEACHING the Word of God but not sharing the gospel message.
I didn't look down at one because he couldn't teach or the other, because he couldn't 'preach'.
Hagee can really PREACH. I don't consider him a good teacher though. A good preacher yes. And I like that he blesses the congregation at the end of each service.
Benny can TEACH, really TEACH and it ain't convuleted like some of the others I have heard (Jesse Duplantis, Kenneth Copeland, Mike Muduch -UGH-) He's not like them. But I do sometimes scratch my head wondering how someone so anointed to teach and preach the gospel can have soo many things that bug people. I heard him preach the gospel and he ain't mamsy-pamsy when it comes to the Word of GOD for sure. So I'm learning to be soo judgmental and critical...only discerning so that I don't get duped.
As for the popcorn bucket...yes let's pass it around as an offering tool and then divide the goods among us all,

or if we feel there is someone struggling beyond hope, then we give it to that person.