Originally Posted by countmeworthy
Ohio, I hear you LOUD and CLEAR. There are a lot of things I don't understand about these teachers/preachers. Believe me. I don't know if they live double lives, or if they've simply got caught up with the 'business' aspect of the ministry. That is why it is soo difficult for me to be 'loyal' to a particular 'ministry'. That's why I hardly go to 'church'...but I love to fellowship and pray with saints and I do like listening to different gifted teachers ! 
You might be wondering what I 'see' in Benny's teachings, like everyone else. Well...even though he's a 'showman', he can explain the Word of God without the fluff-fluff. He can be very deep. But he can be full of himself too even though he 'tries' not to. And yes...his wife of 30 plus years recently divorced him. No one is saying why. It's hush-hush but Hinn did say with absolute certainty, there was no adultery or fornication involved from either of them. I believe it because if you ask me Benny loves his ministry more than 'life' itself.
Boy does that sound familiar!
CMW, thanks much for the long reply. I always appreciate your heart and attitude when you post. Thanks for taking the time.
I think that it's hard for people like us, at our time in life, to find another church which would be satisfactory. We just see through too much "junk." Besides being an avowed "judgaholic," I guess I just have been thru too much.