Originally Posted by Ohio
I like Joyce Meyers, and I know she has helped many sisters, but I read an article by the St. Louis newspaper reporter about their extravagant lifestyle and growing fortune, with an annual revenue (several years ago) of ~$100M.
Is this why Paul wrote, "I know how to abound?"
My wife and I have a little disagreement about whether ministers need their own private jets.
I like Joyce too. I don't watch her as much as I used to. She is very, very wealthy but also is a giver. I 'ushered' at one of her conferences she had here in SA a couple of years ago. She gave every volunteer a $50.00 voucher (to purchase her products of course but others don't do what she does for the volunteers.
She's not big into tithes/offerings. She passes the plate around but doesn't make a big deal of tithing. I have heard her mention Watchman Nee a couple of times but was I ever surprised when I saw Lee's pic on the screen along with many spiritual 'giants' from years ago. Now don't go bashing her because she put up Lee's pic. She may have picked up a book of his here & there and to my knowledge she's never mentioned him.
When Perry Stone was in town, he pulverized the leaders of the church who were fleecing the sheep.
When Benny Hinn was in town, he pulverized Joel Osteen without mentioning his name. But we all knew who he was talking about. He said to 'Osteen': GET OUT OF THE MINISTRY if you can't say JESUS is the only way to heaven, (making reference to when Osteen was on Larry King). If you can't talk about Repentance and the Blood of Jesus, you have NO BUSINESS to be in the ministry.
I know a lot of people don't like Benny but when he's TEACHING..and I mean TEACHING, he's an awesome teacher !
Really. And yes, there are things I don't like about him..BELIEVE YOU ME ! I got to meet him on stage and I saw him lose his temper with his staff because the mic wasn't working.