10-08-2018, 02:17 PM
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 203
Re: Two Year Training Testimonies
Originally Posted by Unregistered
I have to admit that I am astonished at Evangelical's claim that some Baptists don't do their own visitation but, instead, hire it out. I have been a member of the Baptist church all my life and I can ASSURE you that they do, indeed, do their own visitation both to follow up on visitors who came to one of their services and to minister to those who have not attended in a while or who are needing prayer/help. Rarely do you ever get to just "fade away" from a Baptist church--they come and visit to make sure all is well if they have not seen you for a while. Never once, in my entire long life, have I ever heard of any Baptist church hiring out their visitation! The LC may need to pay multiple "job-dropping full-timers" to get the job done but most Baptist churches have several dedicated and devout members who eagerly do visitation on Tuesday or Thursday nights. They will, indeed, "leave the 90 and 9" and go looking for that one lost sheep. People matter to them.
Evangelical loves hasty generalization just like his MOTA.
If there is anything that the people of our day need to realize, it is these very words of Jonah, simple yet neglected: “Salvation is of the LORD.”