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Old 07-21-2010, 05:15 AM   #41
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Default Re: Psycholigical Damage in the LC

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
So OBW are you saying that all Judaism needed was some tweaks at the top? That all that Judaism needed was for the scribes and Pharisees to behave themselves, and Judaism would be just fine, and therefore there's no need for Christianity? Or are you implying that Christianity is just improved Judaism?
No. But I am saying that our bad experience with LC leadership has lead us to conclude that leaders are simply bad and unscriptural when there is no scriptural evidence that is true. Judaism had plenty of problems. And its leadership was one of them. But that does not mean that Christianity was intended to be anarchy.

We like the idea of having these loose associations of Christians that are small enough that we need no leaders. And if that is all that was, then you wouldn't even have the benefit of whatever reading you do of whatever writer you like because they wouldn't have the luxury of being free to study and write, but would be workers just like the rest of us who will complain if the meeting schedule is too great.

And if you think that the doctrinal landscape of Christianity is diverse today, just imagine what it wil be without any who can give their worldly livelihoods up for service to study and preaching of the Word. Leadership was not the problem. It was leadership that was blinded by lust for power and position.

No. Judaism had a lot more problems than their leadership. But without proper leadership, they were doomed to stay where they were. Jesus came to lead them out. But he stayed physically for only 3 years then left others to continue. Yes, He is the answer. But someone has to teach if we are going to devote ourselves to the apostle's teaching, to prayer, to breaking of bread, etc. And unless you intend to gut the NT to the four gospels, there are the apostles and many other teachers who are commended to us. Look around you. There are many who are commendable today.
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