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Old 07-20-2010, 07:56 PM   #16
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Default Re: The Cost

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
I struggle here too. We regularly attended a community church with Pentecostal leanings. After the recession hit, there were endless requests for tithes, offerings, gifts, sowing seeds, etc. Eventually, I concluded that I could not afford to be a Christian anymore.
With all the collections taken up fer God, one has to ask, How does Satan do it? I mean, when it comes to donations and collections, Satan gets the tiny chip at the end of the stick. While God gets so many donations and collections that by now He has to be richer than God. For God it's a never ending bottomless supply, while Satan gets the empty bucket.

Apparently, Satan is better at managing very tight budgets. And gets more bang fer the bucks. In fact, as it more than appears, Satan, on a skeleton budget, wins more souls than God, who has a heavenly surplus budget.

Obviously, money isn't the answer...accept for building strong successful businesses...and churches of divine profit.
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There's a serpent in every paradise.
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