Originally Posted by SamNaren85
Introduced to the LC in 2005. Went to many young people/college students trainings and blendings. I have started feeling a sense of discontenment and anxiety.
I feel my Christian life is going nowhere. I don't proclaim to be a great Christian, but all the practices done in the LC seems to be causing more 'deadness' and lack of progress in me. I chanced upon this blog a few days ago and I understood that most of the posts here echo my views and concerns. I still have not left meeting with the saints, but deep down I feel this is not right.
May you grow strong in the LORD and in the POWER of His Might to leave the LC. But may His Holy Spirit guide you in the ways of Almighty God.
Don't get discouraged in Christ. Jesus is and always will be your Savior, your Counselor and your Solid Rock. All other ground is sinking sand.
Blessings and showers of God's Love be upon you.