Today if we look at various ministries and see the hard efforts of their ministries, we will see the potential reward!(Blessing/Growth) We may also see failure and learn from their mistakes as well.
Here's where I struggle in a big way: The 'church' has become a business. (not speaking of the LSM/LC for I did not know the LSM/LC was a business back in the day.) The LC deceived newbies like myself because I did not see it as a business when I was only 21 and a babe in Christ. Today, while I can appreciate a good teaching, many, many pastors/preachers/teachers conduct their church affairs as a business. They train you to become a leader in the church but there are contracts to sign. That is why they emphasize tithes and offerings soo much..to a FAULT.
I don't see the church being conducted as a 'business' in the NT. Am I missing something ? What are your thoughts and this can be answered on a separate new thread. But Lee did pay his co-workers didn't he? And he handpicked elders right ?
Many have failed! Because they/we don't want to get involved/speak up.
They don't want to get involved because they don't know how. They aren't confident about what they see or know. They don't know who to confide in without being ostrasized.
I believe not counting the cost of ministering, was the greatest error the members of the LC made. This error should have been seen by the active Elders in the local assemblies.(and probably was)
Each (little one) also bears some resposibility. For they, like the ones in charge were comfortable with their situation and may have not wanted to rock the boat. I mean of course those who were capable of feeding themselves.
When I got tired of the Lee adulation, I had to leave because how in the world was I going to stand up and express my observation ? But I found a small bunch from my locality who felt like I did but were quiet about it. They moved to a new locality and I tagged along. Once there, everyone exploded with all kinds of stories about Lee and the church. We still loved the Lord and fellowship but all the venting also wiped us out so that before too long, everyone just went their seperate ways. Including me. I felt lost at first but I did not want to go back to the LC as it was. I also had my own set of personal issues that I could not go to with anyone about.
Eventually.....it was just me and the LORD....in the wilderness.
So, a question to all of you.
What does it cost to follow Jesus in healthy way?
Read, study, pray the Word, ask for insight, wisdom, understanding, protection from deception. Fellowship with Christians and learn from them..the good, the bad and the ugly. Hang out with non Christians always being a good example, a witness, someone they would want to hang out with. With God's help, we will learn to balance our lives.
What didn't the LC members do to prevent todays current situation?
They didn't remain true to their individuality. The guys thought that by dressing like Lee in white shirts & black ties, they would be considered 'good brothers.' We all talked the same instead of speaking normal especially when we were at meetings. We prayed in the same tone or tried to anyway instead of praying from our hearts. We wanted to impress the LC not Jesus. (not that we can impress Him anyway.) But the LC, Lee, the life studies, the RcV, the footnotes became numero UNO instead of GOD.
Everyone was too afraid to rock the boat.
The leadership. Why ? We would get reprimended if we went against them. For example: As a general rule, the 'brothers' sat with the brothers and the sisters with the sisters at meetings. WHY ?? Oh...so we wouldn't 'lust' after each other ? That we would look 'holier than thou' ? I remember watching newlyweds sit with each right after they got married and after a month, the husband would go sit with the brothers and the wife with the sisters. Sometimes the elders made them.
We wanted to please the church because we thought GOD was there and that's what HE wanted.
We're learning.