The Cost
23 And He was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.
The Cost?
What does it cost to be a Christian?
Does it mean we have to get our hands dirty? Of course it does.
Today if we look at various ministries and see the hard efforts of their ministries, we will see the potential reward!(Blessing/Growth) We may also see failure and learn from their mistakes as well.
Many have failed! Because they/we don't want to get involved/speak up.
If we recognize error and say nothing we are accomplices!
When it appears that any one member of the body goes rogue, it is time for the members of the body to react. When they/we don't, this individual can/may become harmful to the whole batch. When they/we don't consider the individual, we don't care. When we don't consider the consequence, we don't care. Why wouldn't we care for a precious member(Big or small)?
Some reasons:
It costs to much.
It would require time.
Our hands would get dirty. (Figuratively and literally)
Caring would expose me.
I'm not who I claim to be.
We must look at each individual and consider the entire picture. At least as much as it is practical.
I believe not counting the cost of ministering, was the greatest error the members of the LC made. This error should have been seen by the active Elders in the local assemblies.(and probably was)
Each (little one) also bears some resposibility. For they, like the ones in charge were comfortable with their situation and may have not wanted to rock the boat. I mean of course those who were capable of feeding themselves.
So, a question to all of you.
What does it cost to follow Jesus in healthy way?
What didn't the LC members do to prevent todays current situation?
Who is responsible?