Originally Posted by Nell
"poor, poor Christianity"
"Degraded Christianity"
What goes around, come around. Watch out it doesn't bite you.
I was there in plenty of meeting where WL called all the LC's "moo-cows." He let it be known that the LC's had failed, and had become Laodicea. The LC's, for the most part, had become Laodicean, lifeless, "know-it-all's." These are Lee's words, not mine. He used this to build up his ministry, "stealing" from all the LC's, their best saints and their offerings.
So here we have just more ministry word-games to dupe the saints.
Pastor bad, Full-Timer good
Seminary bad, Full Time Training good
Go to church bad, Go to meetings good
Christians bad, Saints good
Communion bad, Break Bread good
Worship bad, Enjoy the Lord good
Go to heaven bad, Go to New Jerusalem good
Pope bad, MOTA good
Bishop bad, Regional Worker good
Missal bad, HWfMR good
Pews bad, Padded seats good