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Old 09-22-2018, 09:35 PM   #48
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Default Re: Paul in Galatians chapter 1 and 2

Originally Posted by aron View Post
I know some might accuse me of taking minor points, which are context-sensitive, and making grand sweeping generalizations from them. I often need such adjustment; they are probably mostly right in this regard. Nonetheless I still look at portions of scripture and wonder what it means for us today.

Take, for example, Paul's characterization of his commission, and ministry, in Galatians chapters 1 & 2. Paul didn't receive his gospel from men, nor the counsel of men. Nor was he taught by men, but received revelation from Jesus Christ (1:11, 12).

Now, why would Paul make such a fuss about this? Why is it noteworthy? I think because he sets the source of his ministry independent from the others. His view and experience is not dependent upon the view, nor experience of others. Eventually, he did go and get fellowship from others, and got the "right hand of fellowship" (2:2,9). But this was the apostles recognizing him as a peer, not as their disciple.

This is significant as a contrast to Apollos for example, in Acts 18. Apollos needed to get his vision under the vision of the ones before him. Paul didn't.

Paul was connected, but not dependent, not subservient.

we look to Jesus Christ for our revelation, and not to any of His servants.
Great stuff here Aron!

I have been reading and studying up on Paul. I am understanding him and his writings a lot better these days. He indeed received his revelation on the Messiah, the Holy Spirit, Who God is, how God spoke many times and in various, different ways to our ancestors, the fathers, through the prophets. Yet in these last days God has spoken to us through His Son, whom He appointed Heir of all things,

Paul was the Jew of jews and the Pharisee of pharisees. All of Jesus' disciples were Jews but God plucked Paul out and stripped him of his religious background. What a job he was assigned. He understood God spoke and dealt with the Jews in the OT through prophets, judges, the LAW at different times in many ways. He dealt with Adam/Eve differently than He did with Noah, with Abraham and then still differently with Moses and the prophets.

With the advent of Jesus, His ministry, His death, His resurrection, Paul now realized God was dealing with His people, both converted Jews and gentiles (the one new man) through Jesus and His Holy Spirit. Paul knew exactly what he was saying in Hebrews 1.

And YES.. Paul was a peer to his fellow apostles. He was connected, but not dependent, not subservient.

I have often had a thought that as true believers, we need mentors and teachers when we are young in the Lord. But as we mature, we are peers to one another responsible to mentor and disciple the younger ones in Christ, so when they mature, they too become mentors to the young believers... no easy task for sure!!

And while we look to Jesus Christ for our revelation, The Spirit of God often confirms our revelation through the Living but written Word as well as our spirit and our peers!

Muchos blessings to all!
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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