Thread: Hi From Cincy
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Old 09-19-2018, 03:47 AM   #86
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Default Re: Hi From Cincy

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
Interesting how this thread has gotten off on unleavened bread vs. leavened bread.

I agree with Evangelical's citation of 1 Cor 5:8 and the fact Jews served unleavened bread at "the feast" to support a position on this topic.

However, Ohio makes a great point of not missing the real point... not celebrating the Lord's table when our houses (and bread) have the leaven of malice and evil in them. Instead we are charged to purge out malice and evil in our houses and what is served up in the assembly when remembering the Lord.... just as carefully as the Jews were about not having leaven in their houses or bread during the Passover.

Thanks Sons to Glory for citing Ephesians 4:13. It will be a glorious day indeed. Here is the whole verse

OK, have we beaten this bread, er topic long enough?
This is LC "discussions" isn't it? Will you now move on to the Psalms thread? That one has gone on far longer.

Having grown up a serious Catholic altar boy and then later on spent too many years in the LCM, I saw folks who "done their communion all perfect" yet nurtured a massive garden of "malice and evil" towards their fellow man, their neighbor, whom they were instructed by God to "love." Should I not address or "release the burden" on my heart over this conflict?

Perhaps you are right though. Looking back, I don't remember ever discussing the unleavened bread of Communion on this forum. STG then posted a pic from his travels. Evangelical then commented about the divisions in the body of Christ, and I remember the words of our Lord, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees." Now them dumb disciples completely missed His point, thinking He was talking about bread. But Jesus had something important in mind, so I'm only picking up on that.

Then I remembered how I had spent my best 30 years in the LCM "doing church all perfect" only to realize that LSM was coming to Ohio to "tear down our leprous houses and replaster them" at which point I left the LCM. I went to Paul's actual teachings in Corinthians to confirm my suspicions. Apparently he cared little for doing the communion bread all perfect, and cared much about malice and evil. Go read what he said.

So I tried to convey my findings to my brother Evangelical, but with great difficulty, and had already given up on that endeavor when you stopped by. I suppose we could end all discussions with "till we all arrive." Evangelical would agree with you for sure. We can then shut down the forum, waiting until we all arrive?
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