Thread: Hi From Cincy
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Old 09-14-2018, 05:51 AM   #82
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Default Re: Hi From Cincy

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
We were already in agreement about those Scriptures so I am not sure what you are talking about "Instead of addressing the scriptures I presented from Corinthians".

Taking another look at 1 Cor 5:8 "Let us keep the feast, not with the leaven of malice and evil, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth."

What type of bread is it talking about using in the feast? Leavened or unleavened? Clearly it is unleavened, so my point still stands about the symbols. "Let us not keep the feast with leaven" - literally, or metaphorically. This is obviously a symbolic instruction about malice and evil, but to symbolize this they would have used unleavened bread in the actual feasts. Paul would not have said, as you have, "it does not matter", when he draws such a comparison between feasting and the type of bread.

Lee never condemned anyone for using leavened bread and neither did I. I pointed out the significance of the symbols on the Table and that they are deficient and not representing the "one Body" it is claimed they are. I also pointed out that certain denominations ie Catholic, Lutheran, present the bread in a better way. So the statement "condemn all other denominations" is an exaggeration.

Finally, it does not make sense why I would condemn a denomination for their presentation, when their presentation is of no consequence to whether their Table is valid in my view. If it were my aim to condemn the denomination, I might have said that the table is invalid because it is a sectarian table, and the presentation is of no concern of mine. But that is not a statement I made in my remark about StG's Table presentation.
I am not a mind reader. Please show me a post where you expressed any kind of agreement with me on this topic.

You are focused on what type of bread. Apostle Paul is focused on removing malice and evil from their hearts. This is where LSM has totally misaimed. They came to all the Midwest LC's with bulldozers full of malice and evil, and then they sit down and sing W. Lee songs with their perfect bleached-white Table bread all smug and self-satisfied.

Yes indeed Apostle Paul would say that the type of bread does not matter. Where did he give detailed instructions on the type of bread in order to rescue the church in Corinth? I would say that their bread was "perfect" but their hearts were sick with malice and evil. Read the whole epistle. I served in the LC's for 30 years, and I Corinthians and James were the two books they needed the most.

W. Lee condemned Christianity for every imaginable thing known to man. Are you serious? Did you ever hear him speak? They were condemned for not drinking from one cup. They were condemned for wafers. They were condemned for having pre-broken bread. They were condemned for believing it was the actual body of Christ, etc. W. Lee made a career of condemning "poor, poor, Christianity."

Yes, you did not say "the table is invalid because it is a sectarian table," but what you did say is "I can see that on the table some of the bread is leavened, and some of the bread is unleavened. So this is a symbol of division as the bread is not all the same - even Catholics and Lutherans ensure that the bread is the same."

Pretty pathetic. Pretty judgmental.

Note to readers: Normally I would have walked away from this discussion already, but I decided to press this issue because it strikes at the heart of what makes W. Lee's teachings so errant, so exclusive, so divisive, and so destructive. I lived thru the destruction of numerous Midwest LC's 10 years ago by operatives from LSM indoctrinated with this kind of sick mindset. One such church was Columbus, OH where both SonsToGlory and I were once part of. The conflicts Columbus endured 10 years ago (certain zealous ones "of Lee," filing lawsuits, fighting in the Lord's Table meeting, etc.) were the exact same conflicts in Corinth 2 millennia ago.
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