Originally Posted by Trapped
I think through basic logic and human intelligence anyone can see that Ohio is not comparing the recovery to the Holocaust. Come on people.
He is comparing people who say that serious things that happened in the Recovery didn't happen or "do not matter" to people who say that the Holocaust never happened. Both are serious events (yes, of course on vastly different scales), both HAPPENED, both MATTER particularly to the people involved, and the comparison is that both have people who deny its existence or importance.
As usual, we have to resort to "shocking" comparisons just to try to get the freaking point across.
The comparison Ohio drew is simply of people who deny that the undeniable happened or deny that they matter. There is no disrespect to Holocaust perishers or survivors in the comparison. They were not even invoked. Sheesh.
Certain forum members are given to sensationalism because they have no or very weak evidence to support their basic argument. Wikipedia says it this way:
“Sensationalism is a type of editorial bias in mass media in which events and topics in news stories and pieces are overhyped to present biased impressions on events, which may cause a manipulation to the truth of a story”
It’s a type of falsehood.
So emotionally charged versions of topics are invoked to garner support for weak or non-existent ones... consensual sexual immorality becomes sexual abuse, people that hold the convictions of their beliefs become like holocaust deniers, spiritual authority becomes a Hitler or if of Chinese descent they become Mao-like. It’s not unlike what is happening in the secular world.,, Russians everywhere! Obstruction of justice, no wait it’s mental health invoke the 25th!
In the secular world such behavior is accepted... but why here still puzzles me frankly. Ours is a higher calling to the highest authority yet some brazenly disregard that as if He is not on the throne.
Some of it is done in ignorance because anyone who ever visited a holocaust camp would never draw such comparisons. Same for sexual abuse and other similar subjects... you respect the victims by not drawing unequal comparisons as is being done in this forum by some.