Originally Posted by Evangelical
The straw man was really when the topic of law and regulation was introduced which Ohio started and missed the topic about symbolism. I was talking about symbolism, Ohio introduced the topic of law/regulation, accused me of being a Pharisee, and then claimed that I "admitted scriptural truths". This whole line of argument from Ohio is a straw-man by definition.
I have not condemned anyone for their opinion, I have not condemned any denomination, there is no sentence I have written that anyone can quote to support such allegations. I have not even condemned StG's church for using wrong symbols and made no reference to any law or regulation that I know of regarding what symbols should be used.
Ohio only exposed LSM hypocrisy as evidenced by your posts condemning all of Christianity for doing their Table Bread wrong. I only pointed out the extreme legalism by which you judge the body of Christ for laws and regulations surrounding the breaking of bread while remembering the Lord.
Read the posts on this thread. You said "leavened" bread was indicative of "divided" Christianity when it is only you who condemns other churches for doing their Table Bread "wrong." Then I went to the Scripture to point out how LEAVEN in the bread pointed to malice and evil in the hearts of the participants towards other members of the body of Christ. This was evident in Corinth and more than evident in those LSMers who divided all the Ohio churches.
Go back to Post #16. Apparently you are just numb as to your own judgments of other Christian churches. I am just pointing it out, and taking the time to steer you to the truth. Obviously you don't read what I write, so I write for others. Did you not say, "
Some of the bread is leavened, and some of the bread is unleavened, so this is a symbol of division as the bread is not all the same?" How in the world can
physical leaven be a symbol of division?
These symbols on the Table are just that. We should never use them to condemn others, as LSM is want to do. The remembrance of the Lord is everything, the style of bread insignificant, the actual contents of the cup inconsequential. LSM pays great attention to these symbols, yet neglects weightier matters like examining our hearts, brotherly love, and true oneness.
For a ministry like LSM, which devotes so much attention to the detailed significance of typology, they sure missed the boat with the Lord's Table. These are just symbols. The Bible has no commands regarding them. The only command is to "DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME." There are no two churches in history which did this identically. If the Lord or the Apostles had demanded an exact prescription for these symbols, they would have provided us with detailed specifications.
Witness Lee himself, when questioned on this topic, said specifically, "
the better the picture, the better the reality." I could not disagree more! The age of "pictures" is over. Types, figures, shadows, symbols, etc. are all characteristic of the Old Covenant. Christ has come! He is the fulfillment of all these pictures. Today we need only Him. Today we worship in spirit and reality.