Thread: Hi From Cincy
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Old 09-12-2018, 05:39 AM   #57
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Default Re: Hi From Cincy

Originally Posted by Evangelical View Post
You are stuck in the past, literally, circa 1985 or whenever you were last in the recovery. Only one of us has an up to date view of the recovery, and you are fooling yourself if you think it is you. Every church, movement or whatever will go through changes and transitions. For example, any denomination I was part of 20 years ago have changed considerably since that time. I expect no different with the recovery. So, if Lee was remembered at the Lord's table many years ago, it does not matter, because Lee is not remembered at the table today.
It is you who has an out-of-date view of the Recovery. LSM came to divide and destroy the Midwest LC's 10 years ago. You remind me of those who say the Holocaust never happened.

Besides ... you live in Australia, and you never lived in the US. How do you expect any reader to believe your revisionist history? LC "historians" are the most biased on the planet.
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