Originally Posted by byHismercy
Member Tom Cruise in Jerry Maguire? That's me, except my line is ''SHOW ME THE SCRIPTURE'' at the top of my lungs, and I am not being coerced to shout it out. I am jumping up and down, screaming this....not just to this concept (or hook) that Lee cast and you swallowed, but all of them. And not just garbage from Lee, but any doctrine that comes from human wisdom, standing independently from Gods' word. Show me the scripture. You cannot find it because He didn't care to teach us this, because it is a fallacy. You are in prison, brother. But the good news is, the bars are imaginary. In reality, Christ died that you might be free. And we are all set free, those of us trusting in Jesus finished work on the cross. He came, He fulfilled the requirements of the law, the old covenant, He satisfied it! What's amazing is that, now you are inventing new 'old laws' we all must obey, or be what....found lacking? Found wanting before the Lord? It is too late for that. Christ is the Fathers satisfaction, brother. He is all we need to look at when we meet. Forget the concept of denominations, brother. Look away from the ''names''....just look at Jesus' name. God bless you, E
I consider the doctrine that any denominational Lord's table is a valid gathering to be "unbiblical human wisdom" for the following reasons:
a) no denominational Lord's Tables mentioned in the bible. Their absence points to their invalidity.
b) the symbolism of the table ,bread and wine as One Body, precludes the existence of divisions aka a Lutheran table over there and a Baptist table over here.
The Jewish Passover, which is what the Lord's Table mirrors, essentially, symbolized the unity of the nation of Israel under God. In Judaism the Passover is the time when everyone forgets their differences and comes together. I do not see this reflected in denominational gatherings, every Sunday in a religion which supposedly is united "in spirit" despite choosing to meet separately in practice.
Finally, it is well known that denominations themselves invalidate each other's Lord's Tables. Protestant tables are deemed invalid to the Catholic, and vice versa in many cases. So, to say that all denominational table are invalid is really no different to the denominational attitudes already existing in Christianity.
But if we think this is all pleasing to the Lord to have different tables under different names, then by all means, support it, declare them all valid and acceptable to the Lord. And don't forget to include the Tables of the LGBT churches as well. We have to draw the line somewhere about what is valid and what is invalid. In today's day and age, it is becoming all too common to be served communion by a female priest with rainbow hair and a Buddhist tattoo, or in Beyonce worship or otherwise, as Drake pointed out a while ago. In what should be a blatantly obvious matter, that the table is not Christ's table, I cannot see that any amount of scripture could justify participating in such a thing.