Re: Hi From Cincy
As people may or may not be aware, there is no rule that says we must use unleavened bread or leavened bread in the Lord's Table. It does not matter what type of bread is eaten.
However I disagreed that the table as pictured represents the one loaf and Christ who is our unleavened bread - unleavened bread is a better symbol than a leavened one, and a single loaf on the table is a better symbol of the one Body than many loaves.
I am talking about the symbolism of what it represents, not the correctness of the type of bread eaten.
I did not raise the matter of the Law or state that we must use unleavened bread in the Lord's Table. Others misinterpreted what I was talking about symbolism and made this a matter of good versus evil, laws and regulations. In other words, they were swinging from the branches of the tree of knowledge while I was eating from the tree of life.