Hope for all you church kids
I've been a lurker on this website for about a year and a half. I check in now and then to see the latest posts and threads. I'm a former church kid. My family joined when I was in 4th grade. We eventually ended up in the heart of the church life, Orange County, CA. I was in as deep as person could possibly be. If "hooked" had a definition, it would be me. I've been out for about a year and a half now, and I couldn't be more thankful to God for showing me the truth and surrounding me with the people I needed to help support me. It wasn't easy, by any means, but I want the church kids out there to know that it is possible, and you will feel so much better once you're out.
The journey started when I met a man who had no interest in the church life whatsoever, but decided to check out our club on campus. He only help coming around because of me and we eventually started talking. As we started dating (which was already frowned upon as he wasn't in the LC), I, a devoted church kid, was doing everything in my power to "bring him in" and "unveil him" from his denominations. However, he is a VERY strong Christian and right off the bat could tell that something was wrong with the church life. Fast forward two years, our relationship is strong, except for our spiritual connection. I wouldn't leave the church life and he wasn't joining. I came to a crossroads, and no matter how he explained the wrongs of the LC, I was too brainwashed to see he was right. It was only by the Lord's mercy that I trusted GOD enough to begin my slow exit from the LC. It was a rough year. I lost my relationship with my parents. I questioned my stance on biblical truths. My relationship with God became almost nonexistent. I didn't know what truth was anymore. The road will be rough, but a year and a half after leaving, my relationship with God is strong, I married the love of my life, and I feel so free. I understand the BIBLE is the only thing we follow.
To former church kids:
1. If you're questioning the church life, don't shut down those questions-- investigate! Find the truth.
2. Remember that sometimes the Lord puts these "negative" and "veiled" people in our lives for a reason.
3. These "evil denominations" aren't "evil" at all. The church I go to now is non-denominational and there's absolutely nothing unbiblical about it. These people love Jesus and want to grow their relationship with God. The claim that denominations are "caught up in the world" is a bold faced lie. **Keep in mind though, that you need to find a home thats right for you, and not everywhere is perfect and nobody is perfect.
Hoping this helps someone out there,