Thread: Whistleblower
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Old 09-07-2018, 07:09 PM   #296
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Default Re: Whistleblower

Originally Posted by Drake View Post
What stories don't you doubt, awareness?

Which ones in this thread?

I was hoping to get around the details. My point is that there are always all kinds of hidden things going in every locality, every group, every church, and every religion, pretty much everywhere. I was shocked when I found out about it, and what the elders knew -- and didn't know. Philip, Timothy, and Nee, aren't the first and only ones.

The urges and drives of the flesh, the strength of that are equal to those of our drive for food, water and air, is persistently relentlessly strong (Paul's law of the members). Nothing has been able to stop them, or put an end to them. Sorry. Unfortunately. They win a lot of the time. Why do you think we have a population explosion?

But thanks for asking. If you have one in mind I'd be glad to discuss it with you. I fear we'll both suffer equally, for reasons such as, not being an eyewitness, not hearing it firsthand from the victim, or not even hearing the perpetrator brag about it.

The truth is, I'm sad for the sisters. It disturbs me. And I know some gay stuff happens, between both males and females. I knew some. In fact I know of closeted gays in the LC right now. But let's face it, it's mostly sisters that suffer.

And that just shouldn't be (any of it). It just shouldn't be even in the secular world, let alone in the Christian world, and even less, I would think, in the local churches (much given, much expected).

Lo and behold ... turns out aren't any of us angels, unless it's the bad ones.

Rom 3:10* As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:*
Cults: My brain will always be there for you. Thinking. So you don't have to.
There's a serpent in every paradise.
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