Originally Posted by Trapped
Hi Drake,
Thanks for your response to me about your experience in this area. I have a feeling to respond to you, not about your content but about the delivery. I am hesitant to do so, however, because I don't know you as a person and I don't know the best approach to convey this (as each of us receives communication differently). Please know that I do mean this respectfully and I'm sure there are shortcomings in what I've written below so I apologize for any and all of those.
Based on your language and the words you used, I do not believe that you have any intention of being dismissive. I do believe that you are simply describing your experience, which is valuable since it, bafflingly, so often stands in stark contrast to what many others have experienced.
Both are true, but that type of response really ends up being a punch to the gut more than anything. If someone states they suffered, and someone else respond that they didn’t suffer, what is the suffering person supposed to do with that information? To someone who has endured a loss, at best it does not help and at worst it makes it worse.
Essentially, hearing that someone else didn't have a bad experience has no positive personal impact to the person who had a bad experience, besides being glad that there are some who go through the LC's unscathed.
I'm not sure how much anything I said is helpful, I'm just trying to bridge the disconnect that seems to occur when some posters feel you are being dismissive while you respond that you are simply posting your experience. I do see both sides, and am certainly not trying to squelch your right to post; I am just attempting to help if I can.
Thanks much
Trapped for this well-thought-out analysis of
Drake's posts.
Dismissive is the word. It's always been that way.
In contrast to
Drake et.al. in the LC's, I have a believing Catholic friend, a family lawyer, whose response to recent allegations about the priests is that "God is purging." My friend neither excuses nor dismisses the behavior of priests. How refreshing. How honest!