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Old 09-05-2018, 02:29 PM   #19
Join Date: Apr 2018
Location: Pacific Northwest
Posts: 439
Default Re: Self serving doctrine of Lee

I have another one.

A dear brother was giving a new believers message to us, a group of college age saints, mostly gained off the local college campus as I was. Part of the message focused on reading. Reading for pleasure was the target that day, and possibly any outside casual reading. I liked and trusted this brother. I came into the church life already a regenerated believer, albeit new. But this teaching offended me, as a bookworm, an enthusiastic college student, and a 'self-educator'.

Where is the scripture to support this belief?? And how much easier to indoctrinate and control young members who swallow this as proper and healthy coming from trusted older christians?

To balance this teaching, an older sister told me sometime later that some of the saints actually do read books, or watch current order to be able to relate to people outside the church, and bring ones in. Actually, I witnessed this kind of 'reading' in my friend here in the pnw....she (a lady in her mid 40's) is an avid reader of juvenile fiction. In fact, she will take the list of books all awarded a particular literary award and go through it systematically. Getting to know childrens' books. To have a way in with children. At the time I assumed it was for the spread of the gospel of Christ. Now I find it to be extremely creepy....I mean, they are seperate from your average christian, by their own standards. Or Lees' standards, actually. So this practice is all toward the goal of gaining young people into the LC, exclusively.

When, exactly was the one publication edict made? This message I received must have been about 92' or 93'.
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