Originally Posted by awareness
In theory, that which was behind it was the same thing behind the burning's : that our hearts wouldn't be attached to anything but Christ.
And that was fine, until it became : attached to anything but Lee and his ministry.
One day, years ago, I started thinking about everyone and everything I had been
warned about in the LC's, and I considered who exactly could I really trust.
Who could I safely trust? According to Lee's teachings -- Can't trust my family. Can't even trust my own wife. Can't trust my kids. Can't trust my elders. Can't trust the brothers in Cleveland. Can't trust my own understanding of scripture. Can't trust any Christians outside the LC. Can't trust any Christians inside the LC.
So I concluded that the only one I could safely trust was Witness Lee. At least that's what he had taught me for years.
How sick is that?
Today I don't trust a single thing Lee taught me -- unless it can be independently corroborated. But I can trust a lot of other people in my life. Thank the Lord.